General Mills Gluten Free Cinnamon Chex Cereal
General Mills Gluten Free Cinnamon Chex®.
With whole grain.
First ingredient.
Per 3/4 cup.
120 calories.
0g sat fat, 0% DV.
180mg sodium, 8% DV.
8g sugars.
Calcium 10% DV.
Iron 45% DV.
Simply nutritious.
With a touch of real cinnamon.
Same great taste!
More whole grain than any other ingredient!
Sweetened rice cereal with real cinnamon.
100% recycled Paperboard™.
Live in the yes™.
Chex® gluten free.
Wholesome choices meet.
Happy faces.
Simple ingredients meet big taste.
Gluten free living doesn't have to mean saying no to all of your favorite foods. Chex® gluten free cereals are not only wholesome and nutritious, but crispy and delicious - providing a smart choice that makes it easy to live in the yes™.
Five delicious gluten free flavors.
Corn, cinnamon, chocolate, honey nut, rice.
Find out more about our gluten free cereals at:
Look for gluten free on packaging. Wheat Chex® and Multi-Bran Chex® are not gluten free.
© 2011 General Mills.
Exchange: 1 1/2 starch.
Exchange calculations based on choose your foods: Exchange lists for diabetes ©2008 the American Dietetic Association, the American Diabetes Association.
This package is sold by weight, not by volume. You can be assured of proper weight even though some settling of contents normally occurs during shipment and handling.
Cinnamon Chex® cereal is a proud sponsor of the Celiac Disease Foundation (
Celiac Disease Foundation.
Whole grain.
First ingredient
This cereal contains.
Whole grain per serving.
At least 48 grams recommended daily.
A whole grain food is made by using all three parts of the grain. All General Mills big G cereals contain more whole grain than any other single ingredient.
Whole grain 9g or more per serving.
Eat 48g or more of whole grains daily.
Did you know
The USDA recommends looking for products that name whole grain first on the ingredient list.
Go to for more information.
Now, all General Mills big g cereals have more whole grain than any other ingredient!*.
That's why it's first on the ingredient list!
Look for the white check!
Ingredients: whole grain.
Look for the white check!
It's easy to get whole grain - all your favorite General Mills big g cereals have it.
Cheerios, more whole grain.
*As compared to any other single ingredient.
If you are not satisfied with the quality of this product, a prompt refund or adjustment of equal value will be made. Your comments and questions are welcome. Save or send your box top and...
Call: 1-800-328-1144 (7:30 AM-5:30 PM CT, weekdays).
Write: General Mills, Box 200, Mpls., MN 55440.
120 calories.
Nutrition keys icons are provided to help guide food choices. They show calorie and nutrient amounts in a serving and the % daily value, when available. Refer to the nutrition facts panel for more information.